“Writers are desperate people and when they stop being desperate they stop being writers.”
— Charles Bukowski
It’s me. Kristin.
Kristin Dwyer grew up under the California sun and still prays every day for a cloudy sky. When she’s not writing books about people kissing, she and her spouse can be found encouraging their four overly opinionated misfits to get into trouble. Kristin is a part-time hair model and wants you to know she is full-time TSA PRECHECK, and one time a credible news outlet asked for her opinion on K-pop (it was the best day of her life). Please do not talk to her about your fandom, she will try to join.
Other random things about me:
is a Sagittarius sun, Pisces moon, Scorpio rising. Enneagram 7w8. MBTI- ESFP.
wants to know: who your bias is / what’s your favorite drama / what’s your favorite song.
thinks the best sport is Hockey. GO SHARKS!
loves travel and history and culture and getting lost in “big” places.
has a potty mouth.
is always looking for poetry and romance novels.
believes in fanfiction.
Team Logan. Team Edward. Team Warner. Team Kim Shin.
favorite Disney Princess is Lottie from Princess and the Frog.
Coffee over Tea.
Pho over Ramen.
can handle more spice than you think she can.
habitually paints her nails.